美国霍华德·休斯医学研究所Allan C. Spradling团队发现,小鼠卵母细胞在哺育细胞的帮助下在囊中发育。相关论文于2022年5月26日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。
Title: Mouse oocytes develop in cysts with the help of nurse cells
Author: Wanbao Niu, Allan C. Spradling
Issue&Volume: 2022-05-26
Abstract: Mouse germline cysts, on average, develop into six oocytes supported by 24 nurse cells that transfer cytoplasm and organelles to generate a Balbiani body. We showed that between E14.5 and P5, cysts periodically activate some nurse cells to begin cytoplasmic transfer, which causes them to shrink and turnover within 2 days. Nurse cells die by a programmed cell death (PCD) pathway involving acidification, similar to Drosophila nurse cells, and only infrequently by apoptosis. Prior to initiating transfer, nurse cells co-cluster by scRNA-seq with their pro-oocyte sisters, but during their final 2 days, they cluster separately. The genes promoting oocyte development and nurse cell PCD are upregulated, whereas the genes that repress transfer, such as Tex14, and oocyte factors, such as Nobox and Lhx8, are under-expressed. The transferred nurse cell centrosomes build a cytocentrum that establishes a large microtubule aster in the primordial oocyte that organizes the Balbiani body, defining the earliest oocyte polarity.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.05.001
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00579-7